thank you always.
Due to system issues, we will temporarily stop accepting credit card payments. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but if you are paying by credit card, please select [Bank advance payment], [Cash on delivery], or [Cash payment] or wait for a while until the service resumes.
Please note that you can use other payment methods such as [Bank advance payment], [Cash on delivery], and [Cash payment] without any problems.
Additionally, during this period of temporary suspension of credit card payments, we will accept all bank prepayments free of charge (at our expense) *1 .
*1) In the case of some online transfers, please select ``Payment by the other party'' before making the transfer, or check the transfer fee beforehand and deduct it before making the transfer.
Regarding cash on delivery, the cash on delivery fee will be waived during the period.
For over-the-counter transactions, you can apply from the page below. If you have been purchasing continuously, please consider taking this opportunity to make a credit transaction.
Credit transaction application page
We will contact you later regarding the status of the system. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
ApparelX Team