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Jul 29, 2020

How to post a product review

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We will explain how to post a product review.

How to move to the review posting page

There are three ways to move to the review posting page:

  1. Click "Write a review" in the review section of the relevant product page.
  2. Click "Write a product review" from the order history page .
  3. Go directly to the review submission page .

How to post a review

  1. First, click on the star mark of the relevant product to give it a score.
  2. The review content submission section will be displayed, so enter your rating for each item, review title, body text, nickname, and if you want to attach an image, press the "Post" button after uploading it.

*Currently, it is not possible to check the corresponding review on the product page immediately after posting a review. It will be published after the ApparelX team has confirmed the content.

How to check reviews

You can check the reviews you have posted on the review management page of your My Account.

*Currently, it is not possible to edit or delete information from this page. If you wish to modify or delete it, please contact our support page. Please note that we may not be able to accept your request depending on the content.

If you have any questions, please visit our support page .

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