ApparelX main supplier

About ApparelX Okura Shoji
In 2018, Okura Shoji Co., Ltd. (Shoji stands Trading) launched ApparelX, aiming to innovate in the apparel industry together with IT company, DesignX Inc of the group company. Since its founding in 1959, we have continued to work as a specialized trading company that wholesales apparel subsidiary materials to domestic apparel manufacturers, sewing factories, and specialty stores, and we have accumulated results, but in recent years technology such as AI and cloud in response to the rising demand, we decided to make a major investment in the ApparelX business by leveraging our know-how and product lineup.
A business type of apparel material wholesale trading is unique to Japan. It has supported the rise of the textile industry before and after the war. However, due to the bursting of the bubble, declining birthrate, and sophistication of industry, it is time to build a new business model. Rebuild multi-stage distribution channels. Improving the basic functions of wholesale as much as possible. Leverage technology to deliver new value. Eliminate boundaries and make information transparent. Together with ApparelX, we will change the apparel material procurement process.
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